Tom O’Sullivan Memorial Golf Classic Sponsors & Donors

Golf Classic Sponsors

Your sponsorship of the Thomas P. O'Sullivan Golf Classic helps support important research on cures for colorectal cancer. Please help us with this effort.

You may send us a check for your sponsorship level to the:

Thomas P. O'Sullivan Foundation
7815 Mohawk Drive
Prairie Village, Kansas 66208

For your convenience, we can also accept online sponsorship payments through this website using the PayPal system. PayPal accepts all major credit cards, and you do not need a PayPal account.


  • O'Sullivan Presenting Sponsor ($10,000): Includes 3 foursomes, Hole One Tee Off sponsorship & the opportunity to provide banner for display at clubhouse, a table display at 1st hole, reserved seating at dinner and recognition on the website and all media materials, & opportunity to say a few words or make a toast at the Awards Banquet.
  • Grand Slam Presenting Sponsor ($5,000): Includes 2 foursomes, 18th hole sponsorship, table display at clubhouse, reserved seating at dinner, and recognition on the website, all media materials and at Awards Banquet.
  • Slainte! Golfer Appreciation Sponsor ($2,500): Includes a foursome, opportunity to have a table display at clubhouse or 18th hole, reserved seating at dinner, and recognition on the website.
  • An Irish Blessing Meal Sponsor ($2,000): Includes two complimentary golf registrations and a table display at clubhouse. Sponsorship supports the post tourney banquet and awards event.
  • Luck of the Irish Trophy Awards Sponsor ($1,000): Includes golf registration for one. Sponsorship provides custom trophies for the top winning teams.
  • Volunteer Hospitality Sponsor ($750): Includes dinner for two at Awards Banquet and the opportunity to have a table display at the clubhouse.
  • Themed Holes and Pin Contests Sponsor ($750): Includes dinner for two at Awards Banquet and the opportunity to have a table display at the clubhouse. Sponsorship funds various contests and prizes.
  • Hole Sponsor - Teebox ($300): Sponsor one of the 18 holes and a sign will be placed at the tee recognizing your contribution. Also includes the opportunity to have a table at hole or clubhouse.
  • Hole Sponsor - Green ($200): Sponsor one of the 18 holes and a sign will be placed at the greenrecognizing your contribution. Also includes the opportunity to have a table at hole or clubhouse.
  • Shamrock Survivor & Memorial Tribute ($100)


Foundation Donors

  • "May the Road Rise Up to Meet You" Supporter ($1,500)
  • "Pot of Gold" Patron ($1,000)
  • "Celtic Knot" Friend ($500)
  • "Kiss the Blarney Stone" Donor ($250)